"We Were Crewdogs VII - The B-52 Factor"
Released in April 2016.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth - and CINCSAC. And CINCSAC said, “Thanks. You’re dismissed. I’ll take it from here.”
As powerful as he was, eventually the Commander in Chief, Strategic Air Command (CICSAC) went away, as did the Strategic Air Command (SAC) itself. But not so the mighty B-52 Stratofortress. The giant eight-engine bomber, first flown in 1955 and revered backbone of our national defense during the Cold War, still remains a viable weapon system in today’s United States Air Force’s inventory. It shall be for years to come. But the aircraft itself is useless without the men who built, guarded, maintained, and flew the plane affectionately known as the Big Ugly Fat Fellow (BUFF) by many. Okay, maybe the final “F” really stands for something else for all those who really know her, but you get the point.
This book is the seventh volume of stories primarily about the aircrews who flew the plane but is dedicated to all those who ever came in contact with one. Despite a half-dozen efforts to recruit someone to take lead on a book about the maintainers of the aircraft, no one has been willing to come forward and take on the task, so I will continue to publish stories about the aircrews. I was never a maintenance officer; I was a flyer. I only really know and can vouch for things affecting the lives and events of the aircrew (Crewdogs) who flew her. There are a few story exceptions in this volume, but those stories included help add to the understanding of what we did, and deserve to be heard.
Over 40 new stories by 25 contributors.

Cover Artwork by
Col. Rock Roszak, USAF (Ret.)
Stories by Authors
Peter Bellone
Landing with a (Major) Hanger
Pat Branch
Chrome Dome - Christmas Eve 1966
The SAC Guy
Mike Brinkman
BUFFs Over Korea
Stupid Alert Tricks
Chris Buckley
The Butchers of Mosul
Kenneth Charpie, Jr.
Destined to Be a Crewdog
Bob Davis
Flying with a Dysfunctional Arc Light Crew
Greg Davis
Busting the CORI
Derek Detjen
Turner AFB Reprise
The Year Bomb Comp Wasn't!
Russell Duffner
Was It The Triangle?
Scott Freeman
Into the Lion’s Den…Again!
Russell Greer
One Long Day
Mike Jones
Sworn in over North Vietnam
Roland R. LaFrance, Sr.
The Reason for Our Existence
Jay Lacklen
A Son’s Salute
Alert Scramble - Loring, Maine, 1975
Near-Death Takeoff
First Bomb Run
Putting Out the Arc Light
Ted Lesher
How I Got to be a Crewdog
Arc Light A to Z
Crewdog Stories
Mike Loughran
Harpoons on the BUFF
Joe Mathis
B-52H C’est La Vie
Fred Miranda
The Infamous Linebacker II Routes
Paul Paris
The BUFF Goes on Holiday
George H. Schryer
My First Solo Flight
Tommy Towery
We Knew It Could Be a One-Way Mission
The Career Ending “Promotable Three”
Sleeping Around on Guam
Patching History
Steve Winkle
Delivering a “British” BUFF
Randy Wooten
Goin’ to School While Goin’ to War
It Was Broken Before We Took Off
Jim Wuensch
Saving Lives – Why We Train
John York