Dedicated To:
Col. George Golding
USAF, (Ret.)


Lt Gen Buck Shuler, Jr.

Military Career

Peace is our Profession – But Why?
Bill Fritz

Peace Through the Generations
Karl Nedela

The Real Veterans on the Crew Force
Marv Howell

Draft Dodger to Crewdog
Art Thompson

Crew of the Quarter - Dyess E-15
Craig Mizner

The Consequences of One Low-Level Abort
Dale Fink

Those Early Buff Days
Bill Jackson

A Dream Realized
John Cate

The "Flame"
Gary Henley

  Cold War

Chrome Dome Missions - 24-Hour Airborne Alert
Roland E. Speckman

Chrome Dome Dis-asster!
Bob Stewart

A Memorable Chrome Dome
Derek H. Detjen

Carswell Quips
Ken Schmidt

Get Off My Airpatch!
Bill Jackson

B-52 Operation Port Bow at Kadena AB, Okinawa
James Bradley

Flight Suit Load
Walt Marzec

First Alert Tour
Buck Shuler, Jr.

    The Day the Music Died
John Cate

The Schedule
Doug Cooper

Jaws Bites CCTS
Rich Vande Vorde

Engine Fire on Final
Lothar Deil

It's a Small World After All
Bill Dettmer

She's A Tough Old Bird
Ben Barnard

B-52 Crash Survivor
Gregory Smith

The Last Flight of BUFF 574
Gary Miller

Four Klaxons in 24 Hours
John Morykwas

Southeast Asia
Reflex Alert on the Rock - 1964
Nick Maier

Early  Arc  Light
Peter Seberger

First Sam
Larry Moeller

Don't Shoot Three - It's Two
Glenn Russell

A Night on the Town
Wade Robert

Pucker Time Out of Guam
Bill Ehmig

LB II: Birthday at Angels Three Zero
Charles Haigh

The Rules Were Different at U-Tapao
Marv Howell

The B-52 Wheel Well Door
Kenneth Boone Sampson

A Seiko Watch, a Pair of Brass Candlesticks, and a Divorce
Tommy Towery

Engine Running Spare
Gery Putnam

Lest We Forget
Long Live B-52 Gunners
Dick Gaines

George Thatcher

The Combat Crews
George Thatcher

The Boneyard
George Thatcher

Semper Fly
George Thatcher

"We Were Crewdogs IV - We Had To Be Tough"
(Vol. 4)

SBN# 978-1-60458-323-6

Released in June 2008, Volume 4 is a set of 42 stories by 36 former B-52 Crewdogs.  It is a 5.5" x 8.5" color-covered softback book with 267 pages, that continues the real life, first person stories of what it took to be a BUFF Crewdog. Included are stories of crashes, Chrome Dome flights, Arc Light missions, and Linebacker II memories. It's one of the best collections yet and a must have for anyone who lived this life or wonders what it took to live it.
$10.00 each + postage.