Moments of Stark Terror!
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Normally sells for $15
Now only $10
If you are not interested in the peacetime alert or the non-flying tales of B-52 crewmembers and are only interested in the edge-of-the-seat, fingernail-biting stories of men under extreme pressure, then this book is the B-52 book you will want to read.
"Moments of Stark Terror!" features true tales by 55 different contributors and is made up of 64 stories extracted from the pages of Volumes I - VIII of “We Were Crewdogs”. It has 365 pages and normally sells for $15 + $2.75 for postage. Now you can get it for $5.00 off.
Flying in a B-52 is hours and hours of pure boredom, followed by moments of stark terror!
*** D I S C L A I M E R ***
All the stories in this book have previously been published in Volumes 1-8 of the "We Were Crewdogs" series. This book is a collection of only the stories that involved inflight emergencies, ejections, crashes, and combat momemts that involved a sense of danger and the rapid responses needed to control the situation.
It includes the complete story of the Red Cell mid-air out of Guam. It also includes the shootdown of a B-52 over New Mexico by a F-100 fighter. There are multiple stories of ejections and survival, both in combat and peacetime environments. One story is told by a crewmembers who ejected from a B-52 and survived , even after riding his ejection seat to the ground without a parachute. There are stories from the first crew to be shot down over Hanoi and the last B-52 shot down in the Vietnam War.
All the stories are about the mighty BUFF, the B-52 Stratofortress and the men who flew it, and their moments of stark terror.

- The Kindle eBook version can be ordered from