Story Contribution Request
I am now looking for stories for Volume VIII of the "We Were Crewdogs" series. This form is intended to collect the names and ideas of those who might want to contribute an original story. Should enough interest be shown, I will contact you and give you full details of publication plans. Make sure you read the Guidelines and understand the process before you ask to submit a story. Each book requires between 30 and 40 contributors with one or more stories. Content will be selected from the stories submitted and not all stories can be used, but maximum effort will be made to use at least one story from each person who wishes to contribute.

E-mail address
In the box below, give a brief description of your story idea. (Alert, in-flight emergency, Vietnam, Cold War, etc.)  If you were not a crewmember, describe your connection with the B-52. You don't have to have the story written yet, but it helps to know what subject you might be writing about. If you were not a crewmember, please explain your duties.
Click only once.
You will be returned here following the thank you page. Do not click the submit button again.
If you have not read the guidelines then please click here
I would like to do a story for the next volume.
I was a crewmember on a B-52.
I know my story must be over 750 words.
I understand I must submit my story in a digital form (not handwritten or typed)